
Our supported Living services provides care and support for adults with complex needs including dual diagnoses of learning disability, Epilepsy , Autistic spectrum (including Asperger’s Syndrome) and / or mental illness is available. The houses which are part of the local communities provide a safe and supportive environment, which allows everyone the opportunity to develop skills for more independent living in the future. We encourage all to engage in meaningful activity, ensuring a balance of self-care, leisure and productivity (employment/education).


Our service is part of the mental health care pathway; it is a modern, non-clinical environment that supports people moving from secure environments into the community. We also support people in transition from secure forensic services to community living. We can support people informally, on community treatment orders and conditional discharge from the Mental Health Act before the move into the community. At New Horizon Care our goal is to promote our clients Recovery through the process of providing Hope, stability and opportunity.


The service provides person-centred care by helping people create their own care plans, identifying personal needs, the outcomes that they want in their life, and how our staff will support them in achieving this on their recovery journey. The service promotes the social inclusion of our service users, through challenging stigma and discrimination; encouraging re-integration and participation in the community, and focusing on education and employment. It also promotes positive risk taking, to increase a service user’s confidence and move towards their goals in small achievable milestones.


We follow these

Our standards of excellence are founded on the fundamental principles of good
care practice. At New Horizon we aim to provide a safe and therapeutic
environment for our clients where our approach will promote well being and
autonomy through their recovery journey.

Social Services

NEW HORIZON CARE works in partnership with Social Services, Community Mental Health Teams (CMHT) and Supporting People within leading Local Authorities across London offering high quality supported housing for vulnerable adults.

Strong Teams

Our aim is to enable the people we support to achieve their goals, believing passionately that regardless of the challenges they face, everyone can accomplish extraordinary achievements with the right care in the right environment.

Support Packages

All of the support packages we offer are tailored to the individuals needs to help them develop vocational, social, education and life skills so they can progress to a more independent future. We also create pathways through residential settings.


Physical Environment



New Horizon is a privately owned residential care home. It is a three bedded unit for people suffering from various identified mental health problems. Our goal is to promote our clients Recovery through the process of providing Hope, Control and Opportunity.

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The residential accommodation provides three good size bedrooms with en-suite facilities and each room is equipped with a TV (upon request). All bedrooms are equipped with smoking detectors.

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TV Lounge

A TV lounge area which provides video, DVD, Satellite TV Services and is equipped with an entertainment game console.

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Communal Dining

The open plan area comprises of the lounge and communal dining area where the menu choice for several days in advance is displayed. Adjoined is a well equipped kitchen.

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Outside is a patio which leads to the garden area where residents can enjoy sitting outside for fresh air or do a bit gardening and the garden also has a designated smoking area.

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The care home has a seven seater people’s carrier for travelling purposes when required. The company also books coach services during large activities.


Our Supported Living Services

Our supported living services provide innovative and person-centred support enabling people with autism, learning disabilities, mental health illnesses and challenging behaviours to live as independently as possible within their own homes and in the local community.

The support provided is person-centred and specifically tailored to meet every unique need, underpinned by our philosophy that every individual has the right to live the life they choose for themselves.


Get In Touch With Us
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What makes us



New Horizon is a privately owned residential care home. It is a three bedded unit for people suffering from various identified mental health problems. Our goal is to promote our clients Recovery through the process of providing Hope, Control and Opportunity.

We offer skilled care to enable people who live here to achieve their optimum state of health and well-being. Our team is a dedicated team of nurses, healthcare assistants, activities coordinator and a handyman. We aim to ensure that there is always something interesting and stimulating going on. Our activity coordinator will plan and facilitate a variety of daily activities with you in mind including psycho educational groups.



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Our Staff

We offer skilled care to enable people who live here to achieve their optimum state of health and well-being. Our team is a dedicated team of nurses, healthcare assistants, activities coordinator and a handyman. This ensures that all resident's requirements are met 24 hours a day. A Registered Nurse will be accessible at all times.

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24/7 Service

We provide 24 hour care service for all of our residents through the day, evening and night so you're never cleared out without the care you wish. For individuals with complex or going therapeutic needs, this guarantees they have round-the-clock care and back to tend to their needs amid nighttime hours.

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General Services

We aim to ensure that there is always something interesting and stimulating going on. Our activity coordinator will plan and facilitate a variety of daily activities with you in mind including psycho educational groups. A structured time table will reflect all sessions and activities provided at New Horizon.

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Relatives and Visitors

Visits are special times for our residents, and we encourage family and friends to keep in regular contact and visit as often as they want. We also welcome your involvement in your loved one’s care – keeping you up to date on their health and wellbeing. A visitors’ book is available for your feedback without prejudice.